Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We went to the Bic national park last night (I know it sounds like the only thing we're doing is going to national parks) and Drew found a dead snake in the middle of the road.... not something you find everday!! Before we left the lookout mum draped the snake over some branches next to the info sign to try and give the next people who were up there a fright..... we would have loved to stay and wait for someone to come!! :: -))
But on the way back we ended up bush bashing because we could hear a wood-pecker!! Eventually we found it high up in the trees!! We couldn't really get a good photo!!! You'll have to come to Canada and see what one looks like for yourself!!


  1. Drew you look thrilled by the snake! Hey - at least it is dead an not wrapping itself around your arms etc. It doesn't sound like the national parks are so bad with the exciting wildlife and by the looks of it good weather.

  2. What fantastic experiences you all having....Have you been canoeing on any of those lakes yet? Remember no regrets- GO FOR IT!!!
